First Presbyterian Church is very mission-minded. The congregation of First Presbyterian Church supports the agencies listed below in at least one of the following ways: church budget, special offering, work projects, board members, volunteers.
Good Samaritan Ministry of Tullahoma
931 455-7353
Contact Lifeline of the Highland Rim
931 247-0754
800 454-8338
931 728-1133
Hotline (24/7)
800 435-7739
Phoenix Appartments
Known as the Phoenix Apartments, The First Presbyterian Church of Tullahoma acquired this eight unit apartment building and a small house in November 2003. The Phoenix Apartments and small house are located on the Church’s property at the southwest side of the parking lot on the corner of N. Washington St. and E. Lincoln St. This acquisition provided The Church with an opportunity to expand our missions and programs on both a short- and long-range basis.
Initially, the Phoenix Properties naturally helped expand Community Outreach as the Church provided affordable housing for lower-income citizens of Tullahoma. As specific special-need cases were identified, the Church subsidized rent to provide even lower cost to renters, usually for a specific time period until the renter’s finances improved.
As time went by, the Church developed a mission oriented relationship with our tenants and The Church broadened it's focus to embrace the needs of neighbors beyond the Phoenix Apartments.
We have expanded our outreach mission to those not only in our apartments but, also within our community including people in nursing homes, shelters, the homeless and families living in apartments and homes provided through The Tullahoma Housing Authority.
Through this mission effort we saw a need to expand our outreach to include services that may have broader appeal. Such as providing guidance on handling personal finances and independent living, by providing faith-based counselling upon request, and most importantly welcoming all to our regular worship services.
The Phoenix Apartment Board of Directors provide oversight as well as human aspects of the properties. They are tasked with meeting the mission of providing affordable housing while not putting a large financial burden on the Church.
The Board has achieved this balance while ensuring quality-of-life housing standards for our tenants. Today the demand for low-cost housing continues. If you are in need of low cost housing you may call The First Presbyterian Church office at 931 455 9328.
Mission Meals - “No Preaching, No Praying, No Singing, Just Eating” Free Meal Program
A little over four years ago we started serving monthly meals on the 4th Sunday of each month. The Mission Committee invited folks from Autumn Manor (low-income senior citizens apartment), Phoenix Apartments, Shepherd’s House, and clients from Good Sam to our monthly FREE meals. Due to the Covid-19 virus we are currently delivering meals to those in need.
If you are in need of a free meal please call The First Presbyterian Church office at
931 455 9328.
We’re always looking for volunteers to help us show hospitality and to reach out to our community to meet a need.
4-Cents-A-Meal Program
The 4-cents-a-meal program provides an opportunity for individuals and families to participate in a corporate response to world hunger. By contributing 4-cents per person at each meal we are reminded of the needs of others and our call as Christians to respond to their hunger.
We receive this offering quarterly: February, May, August, and November.
4 cents per meal x 3 meals per day = 12 cents per day.
12 cents per day x 7 days per week = 84 cents per week.
84 cents per week x 4.33 weeks = $3.65 per month.
$3.65 per month x 3 months = $10.95 per quarter
Have A Heart For Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan of Tullahoma continues to assist approximatly 75 families with food each month. The need for food in our community is great! Please consider this when you do your grocery shopping and help us by purchasing the following items: canned fruits and vegetables, soda crackers, cereal, peanut butter, dry spaghetti, pasta sauce, soup, and canned tuna or chicken. Bring some of these items with you to worship on Mission Sunday, the second Sunday of each month.
You may also drop off food donations to Good Samaritan Food Pantry at 210 W Grundy St. open 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Monday through Friday.
SERRV Provides An Opportunity To Serve Others
Through the SERRV catalog sale program held in the fall we have the opportunity to benefit the artisans and farmers worldwide. In addition any extra money generated is used to fund FPC’s mission projects.
On behalf of SERRV and artisan and farmer partners in 34 countries over the last 68 years, SERRV has provided sustainable opportunity to tens of thousands of low-income and marginalized people who seek the chance to earn a decent living.
With every purchase you've helped artisans around the world dream of a better future for their children. SERRV only works with groups that ensure no forced labor-of-any-age is used in production. Partners have a strong focus on education and encourage children to attend school for as long as possible. They build and staff community schools, offer scholarships, provide stable housing to orphans, and give parents the flexibility they need to raise their children.
Supporting SERRV accomplishes several things: the items make great gifts; artisans and farmers receive a fair price for their work; and FPC is able to do more in mission projects.
Trinity Care Center
The Trinity Care Center serves adults who are 21 years or older. The adult care center provides participants with nutritious meals and snacks, comfortable settings for reading and relaxing, and the companionship of fellow participants volunteers and staff. Volunteers from FPC help maintain Trinity Care Center grounds. If you wish to support this Mission with your time and efforts please contact Elaine Huffines at 931 581 4959
Consider Online Giving To Support The Ministry of FPC
The First Presbyterian Church of Tullahoma “Online Giving” page on our website.
Please go to our Home Page https://www.fpctullahoma.org/
On the banner across the top click on “Online Giving”; this will take you directly to our Online Giving page.
On the Online Giving page you will find step by step instructions on how to use the Online Giving form. At the bottom of the page click on the blue box “Give Now.”
When you click on “Give Now,” an Online Donation form will appear.
Your Sunday Giving/Pledge
The Learning Place Scholarship Donations
Presbyterian Youth Donation
Other (The “Other” box is for you to give a donation as you specify in the text box. As an example you may want to give to any of our Church Missions.)
Enter the amount you want to give, Then select the frequency you want to give. If you chose a recurring donation, you will be required to set up your own secure online account.
For those who use a mobile device, there is an App in both the IOS and Android stores. Search for GivePlus app and download to your mobile device. Enter the zip code 37388 and select FPC. You now have the ability to give directly from your smart phone or tablet.
If you have any questions, please contact Dan Peres 931 222 9268.
Newsletter Deadline
The next issue of the Newsletter will be the May 2020 issue. The deadline for submitting information and articles is at noon on Tuesday, April 21.
931 455-1515
931 455-0755
Highland Rim Habitat for Humanit
931 393-2383
931 455-5014
5 Loaves 4 Kids
Coffee County Childrens
Advocacy Center
931 723-8888