Sundays for Children
Children's Sunday School
Age 3 through 5th Grade
Sunday at 9:00am
Sunday School for children begins in the Gathering Room across from the Church nursery and then moves to their age-appropriate classrooms upstairs.
Children's Church every Sunday
Age 3 through 5th Grade
After the Children's Sermon
After Children’s Time in the worship service, Katie Prasser, Minister to Children, leads a time of Children's Church for young children aged 3-years through 5th grade. The children delve deeper into the day's Bible lesson as well as learning about the sacraments and liturgical practices of First Presbyterian Church
Weekday Gatherings
FPC Family Nights
Offered throughout the year
Thematic program, classes for all ages and lunch or dinner are offered throughout the year.
Kingdom Kids
Age 3 through 5th Grade
Wednesday from 5pm to 6:30pm
Kids will meet in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall every Wednesday for an hour and a half.
Seasonal Education
Advent & Lenten Studies
During Advent and Lent, specific studies are offered during Sunday School and/or an evening during the week. Advent and Lenten devotionals are also provided to the congregation for home use.